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Marin Tidy Trails Week Returns This September

Attention riders of the world! Join us as we stand together and say 'not today!' to trash on our trails!

Into The Wild

Whatever or wherever you ride, we can all agree that escaping into nature is one of the best aspects of life on two wheels right?

There's no better feeling than breaking free of the city, getting into the wilderness and filling our minds and bodies with fresh air and scenery, amirite?

We love our trails and we want to take care of them, so we started Tidy Trails. We want to find people like us and put out a call to arms against trash on our trails.

All together now... Screw you trash, let's tidy some trails!

Marin Bikes Which Trail Bike

Why Tidy Trails?

If you're anything like us, your time on the trails is super important.

They're the spaces that keep us healthy and happy. They keep us in shape, fill our brain with happy stress-munching chemicals and bring us and our friends together for good times.

It doesn't even have to be an epic trip into the backcountry or even an actual trail - your local park, the edge of town or a patch of greenery at the end of the road are all perfect for recharging brain and body.

But those previously unspoiled places are easily spoiled. When riders leave their trash, those spots become polluted and we threaten their existence.

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Mow Trash, Mow Problems

The more trash there is, the less enjoyment we're able to take from our trails and the less likely we are to visit them again. Hey presto, we lose all those lovely benefits to mind and body.

More trash also means less access as landowners and managers shut their gates, saying 'no thanks' to endlessly cleaning up our junk. Less access means fewer trails and you know the rest.

And of course, there are the ecosystems we're messing up, the plants, animals, rivers and the soil.

Marin Bikes Tidy Trails Montrose Bag Co Bag

Let's Tidy Some Trails!

But it doesn't have to be that way - let's stop pollution in its tracks and tidy those trails (and all the other wild spaces we visit!).

Getting involved isn't complicated and here are the ways you can do it:

Marin Dealers

Our Marin Dealers act as hubs for riding communities around the world. They're joining us on our mission to keep trails tidy and will be organizing meet-ups in your area.

We've created a three-step plan to help Marin dealers minimize their impact on the environment and we're asking them to sign up to the Marin Sustainability Commitment.

As part of that commitment, we're asking dealers to organize Tidy Trails cleanup and trail maintenance days in their communities. Our staff can offer support and dealers can get in touch with their rep to find out what's available.

Marin dealers that sign up are awarded the Trail Maintenance and Local Initiatives badge on our dealer listing to sing their praises to the world.

Riders (yep, that's you!)

For the riders of the world, keeping your trails tidy is easy.

Step 1 - Tidy your trails.

Simply pick up some trash and dispose of it responsibly.

This might mean picking up a candy bar wrapper on the trail mid-ride or filling a trash bag on your next walk. Small acts or big efforts, they're all good.

Step 2 - Tag #TidyTrails and @marinbikes_tidytrails on Instagram.

Snap a photo or grab a quick video of your trail tidying and tag our Tidy Trails Instagram.

In return, we'll give send you a Marin Tidy Trails patch to show you've joined our movement.

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And last but not least, Tidy Trails Days

We're rallying the troops against trash and we're declaring the 22nd to 24th of September as our official Tidy Trails Days.

All of Marin's staff will come together worldwide on those three days for local trail tidying in their areas from Cali to Cornwall, Saudi to Sweden, we’ll be on our trails and tidying trails.

Let’s Go!

Ready to join the movement for Tidy Trails?

The best place to start is right here on the Marin Bikes Tidy Trails Instagram.

Don’t forget to share your trail tidying with #TidyTrails!

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