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Sabrina Puggl

  • Name: Sabrina Puggl
  • Follow Sabrina Puggl:
  • Location: Austria
  • Riding with Marin since: 2022

Meet Sabrina

  • Who is Sabrina Puggl? I am Sabrina, 25 years old and currently working in an organic sales department. In addition to work I’m a nutritional science student at a distance-learning university. I’m creator of @austrian_mtb_girls on IG. Our goals? Become a big community, push each other, make new friends, and grow together! My first bike was a Marin Attack Trail 8. In those days I was working in Canada (Vancouver Island). The farmer there was the boss of Marin Bikes in Parksville. There, I had the chance to go to Whistler with Lisa and her team to promote Marin Bikes while Crankworx.
  • Must have MTB accessory for a ride? My new favourite MTB accessory is my waist bag from pit viper :). Super comfortable and lots of space. Got it for Christmas.
  • What would be your desert island luxury item? What a question... the bikes. Only requirement: The island is big enough and there are some trails to ride. Most of the time I travel with my friends, that’s why I can’t strand there alone.
  • What size Marin bike frame do you ride? small. I'm 1.58 m tall
  • What’s the best piece of riding advice you’ve ever been given? Not easy to answer. I always try „learning by doing “, but I can’t see myself while riding. That’s why I’m grateful for every tip I get! The best riding advice I’ve ever received was about my position on the bike. The lift operator asked me if I was afraid of curves because I kept going further back as the curve came closer. At this point I was constantly working on my bike position, and I became more and more confident.
  • My favourite place to ride? Definitely Schladming
  • What's your favourite event you have been part of? The most favourite event I’ve been part of was Lines Mag „Trail Partie “last year. It was my very first racing experience and I got a golden ticket for the 2022 season. I’m already excited to go for it :)
  • What inspires you to ride? Most inspiring part of biking is to get in touch with new people who share the same passion. It’s nice to see that more and more girls are represented in this scene. With my account @austrian_mtb_girls everybody can get inspired and motivated and so I’m inspired too. It was the best decision to create this account, for me and for the rest of the community.
  • What's your go to food and beverage after a ride? I’m nutritional science student, that’s why my answer is: A good healthy meal and lots of water (in real life: after a long day on the bike, beer with friends and ohhh yess fast food hihi)
  • Wie wurde Marin Bikes auf dich aufmerksam? Eigentlich war es eher umgekehrt, ich hab bei Marin angefragt: Sie kannten mich schon von Instagram und innerhalb von ein paar Tagen war dann eigentlich schon alles unter Dach und Fach.