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  • Name: Brendan Carberry
  • Follow Brendan Carberry:
  • Location: California, USA
  • Riding with Marin since: 2023


  • WHO IS BRENDAN? Brendan is an engineer turned video creator and product designer in the outdoor industry. He is focused on sharing conceptual product ideas with engaging storytelling.
  • Must have MTB accessory for a ride? Anything to carry more snacks.
  • Desert island luxury item? Sunscreen
  • BEST RIDING ADVICE YOU HAVE BEEN GIVEN? drop your outside pedal and point your hips and knees into the turns.
  • HOW DID YOU GET TO BE A PART OF MARIN? Marin was on my radar because I’m a big fan of Mark Mathews and Martha Gill. Oh and having a ton of fun for a great price. I connected with Marin because John or Chris saw my crazy videos.
  • FAVOURITE PLACE TO RIDE? Northeast Kingdom of Vermont or Moab Utah
  • WHAT IS THE BEST EVENT THAT YOU HAVE BEEN PART OF? Building the courses for and hosting weekend downhill/dual slalom races at my university in NY. Giro’s Grinduro event in California is a close second.
  • WHAT INSPIRES YOU TO RIDE? I don’t need inspiration to ride, I need discipline to stop riding and do work.
  • WHAT IS YOUR GO-TO FOOD & BEVERAGE AFTER A RIDE? BLT sandwich and chocolate milk