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Kilian Snelling

  • Name: Kilian Snelling
  • Follow Kilian Snelling:
  • Riding with Marin since: 2024


  • WHO IS KILLIAN? I’m a 9 years old and I’m from Oxford, UK. I love being outdoors and riding my bike, especially when I get to ride with friends, or ride as a family with my little brother (one of his first words was bike).
  • Must have MTB accessory for a ride? A tasty snack – and otherwise the tow rope to help me on the uphills so I can get more downhill laps in. I do love a pedal though.
  • What would be your desert island luxury item? I’m really enjoying learning to play the piano, so maybe that – or at least something I could listen to music on otherwise.
  • WHAT SIZE BIKE FRAME DO YOU RIDE? I’m quite small for my age and have just got big enough to ride a 24inch bike. I’ve loved the extra rollover it gives me.
  • what’s the best piece of riding advice you’ve ever been given? Katy Curd once told me that “you only feel scared if it’s something you know you can do”. That’s helped me work out if I am ready to try a new feature or line.
  • How did you get sponsored/get into Marin? Marin got in touch with my Mum to ask if I would be interested in having my photo taken on the new San Quentin – it was a big yes from me. After that I was very lucky to be asked to ride the Rift Zone for a video with the legend who is Matt Jones. Following the video, Marin asked if I wanted to become part of the Marin family. It was another big yes from me, I still can’t believe it!
  • FAVOURITE PLACE TO RIDE? I ride a lot in the Forest of Dean and I really enjoy the trails there, and have made lots of friends with other riders so it almost feels like a second home to me. I love rooty, techy trails and it has lots of those. Really though, I’ve enjoyed everywhere I’ve ridden, and can’t wait to finally get a chance to ride in the Alps – it looks AMAZING!
  • WHAT INSPIRES YOU TO RIDE? Any trail with fun looking corners – I love corners! All the people I meet riding also inspire me to get outside and enjoy some bike time. I love learning from people who are better than me but also helping people to ride new things for them.
  • what's your go to food & beverage after you ride? In the winter I love a hot chocolate, and in the summer I love a milkshake. I’d happily eat a cookie, some cake, ice cream or some chips whatever the weather!
  • with 3 emojis best describe your riding 🧠 🥳🍨